SEO Learning Series 5 – Writing Web Pages Part 3

SEO Learning Series 5 – Writing Web Pages Part 3


Once you have inserted your KEY PHRASES into your meta tags for KEY PHRASES, TITLES, and DESCRIPTIONS (for each and every single web page on your website), you now need to insert those KEY PHRASES into the actual text you have on the web page.


Text is King!


Text is the most important part of SEO. Search Engine robots, or bots, or spiders (such as google or yahoo) are sent out to scan web pages on the internet. They can only read text.


A good web designer knows how to structure a website to code as much as possible on each web page into text so that a search engine robot can read and scan as much as possible. All that text is what gets searched by people, therefore you have more opportunities to get on the first page!


Flash, for example, is not good when you are trying to get your website discovered. Flash is a “movie” if you will, therefore it does not contain any text for the robot to scan. A very big mistake would be to have a flash entry page as your first web page (known as a “splash” page) on your website. This page contains zero text, therefore the robot has no links to follow to get to your second web page.


So now you need to “re-write” the current text you have on your web pages and insert it in the KEY PHRASES so that the new text makes sense to the reader.


You should be getting new KEY PHRASES for each web page and inserting them into your meta tags and actual text every couple of months. If your web designer is not doing this, you do not have SEO on your website. If you don’t keep fresh content on your website, your content will become stale and your site will “sink” to the bottom of the search engines.


The way people search the internet is constantly changing. This is why you need to keep your website fresh with new content, such as a blog does by people commenting.