Want to be a professional photographer?

Want to be a professional photographer?


Don’t know how to pose your model?

Interested in becoming a great fashion/advertising photographer and earn a good income as well? This specialist area of photography is huge, but also very competitive and challenging. You really need to learn what is required to make great photos and how to pose models expertly. The good news is that this is a skill anyone can acquire and there will always be mountains of work available. Some online photography courses can offer you the skills required to get you started in this genre of photography.


One of most difficult areas of portrait photography is posing. What do I get my client to do? I found this one of the most difficult skills to grasp and so do many novice photographers. But, as I have mentioned in other posts, this is a skill like many others and can be easily learned.


With posing, you need to be able to relate to your client, their features, flattering lighting, clothing and poses. A great way to start is to get some posing ideas together, as many as you can, and practice on friends. Discover what works and what doesn’t. Identify what different features demand in terms of poses, file these away for future reference. keep a folder of poses that you like and know work.


Bring this out when you have a paying client; put in somewhere so you can constantly refer to it, change poses to suit or modify ones that show promise. When you have done this hundreds of times you will probably end up not requiring the use of your pose file. But still maintain it, you will always find it useful as there is an infinite variety of poses.


To get you started on posing techniques, have a look at the following course on posing secrets. Sure, they’re not really secrets but you need resources from somewhere to get started.