What Is Relationship Marketing?

What Is Relationship Marketing?



What is relationship marketing and how can it help you grow an online business?


Well, relationship marketing or attraction marketing as it is also known is about giving value to people and showing your expertise so that they will want to work with you. I have found this to be one of the best marketing strategies around as you don’t have to keep pitching your opportunity.


The sad fact is that so many people will fail at their business because they don’t know about or understand the power of attraction marketing.


In the post, I am going to share with you some valuable network marketing tips so that you will understand what relationship marketing is and how it can help you grow your business.

What is Relationship Marketing? – Trust


One of the first things you have to build with your prospects and potential business partners is trust, without it you may as well pack up and go home. Trust is the foundation of your business, if people trust you they will follow you and what you do.


So how do you build trust?


On the first meeting don’t start sharing links about your business or even your free training! Just get to know the person, find out about their family, their work, their likes and dislikes. Remember they have to be a good fit for your business, not the other way round. Having said that you want to build up that trust with them.


If all you do is drop a link to a presentation or free training they will automatically think you are up to something. It’s in our nature as humans to be suspicious of other and certainly those we do not know.

What is Relationship Marketing? – Listening


If you listen to somebody and take an honest interest in their well being then they will be more open to listening to you when the time is right. Listening involves using your 2 years and 1 month in those proportions and just letting them talk.


By listening is all about the person you are talking too, at the end of the day they are the important ones. They don’t really care about you and your business, they only care about making their business a success.


Start listening and you will get the answers you need to help people with their business, in turn, this will help you grow your own business. You could even show them how to choose a business and because you have taken the time to listen they may well join your business.

What is Relationship Marketing? – Offer Value to Others


The thing that makes attraction marketing work is the fact that you are offering your knowledge, help, and expertise to people even before they join your business. If you have a great marketing plan in place you will be able to sign people up to different systems or your primary business.


This all depends on what the person is looking for and how you can help them. If you got the tools and you have built a relationship then why wouldn’t they want to buy from you?


You must remember that network marketing is a people business and all about building relationships. This post was just the tip of the iceberg.