Positive Motivational Thoughts and Templates

The Power of Positive Thinking- Motivational Mental Attitude &Thoughts of Life


We always observe that people living in the same place and environment possess very different perspectives towards life; the same is true in the case of their success rate as well. What actually holds people from becoming successful? The answer is attitude.

Now, if I ask you what is the difference between a successful man and an apparent unsuccessful man? Though many of us measure success in terms of mundane values, there are many to whom earthy things hold no value. Yet, for living a secure and abundant life, one needs money and wealth. For earning we choose to do jobs, business, trading, and many more professional works. Among all professions also you find competition-some professions are better than the others in a monetary and social sense. Thus the concept of success is not only labeled with each human but also the object human holds on to for a living.

You must have observed that there are many doing the same type of work or business, and only a few are making a substantial amount of money out of their professional life.

As a successful writer, there are successful organizations and countries making record progress and development both technically and economically. What is the secret of their success or do you really think that they possess a kind of magic wand to bring instantaneous success. The secret of success lies in a person’s attitude. If you can gather a number of people with a positive attitude in your organization, there is no reason your business won’t flourish. An organization full of negative-minded people will never go ahead-this is a proven fact by William James, Harvard University. So the secret of changing your life lies in changing your attitude. The bottom line is a positive attitude contributes the most in changing the momentum of not a single person, but also an entire society, eventually the whole world.

How does attitude develop?

As we grow mature we take many inputs from our surrounding environments that shape our attitude. Attitude is an invisible infrastructure for our future success. There are mainly three major factors that contribute the most developing attitude. They are:

Your environments, where you born and live
Experience of life

Among the three attitude parameters, environmental influence affects developing a positive attitude the most than any other parameters. Some of the environmental influence is the positive or negative influence of families, friends, and co-workers. The other important attitude shaping factors are cultural, religious, social, and political environments. In this era of digital media both the internet and TV play a crucial role in molding a child’s attitude towards life.

The Meaning of Positive Thinking


Benefits of having a positive attitude:


Productivity increases
Helpful to solve any problem
Develop better and healthy working environments
Reduce anxiety and stress of mind
Help you flourish your personality and increase your desirability within society
Increase the profitability of an organization

On the other hand, a negative mind only brings bitterness, ill mental health, and higher stress level,not only in one individual life but also in others.

Building a positive attitude:

Most of the human does not love the change in their life-they love to cocoon their life into stipulated rules and obligations. Even if, being aware that a negative attitude drive life into a backward direction, people do not want change simply because they do not feel that change is comfortable for their mind- this is what actually your mind says not you. Don’t listen to your mind, listen to your logic. This first step for changing a negative attitude is to have a strong desire of having a positive attitude.

Step 1

Always try to find the good part of any incident. Not necessarily every event of your life will bring you positive opportunities understood by a conventional sense of your social belief system. Yet, everything in this world has a positive side-even if you lose something-try to find that out. Remember negative people only looking for negative aspects even in a good situation of their life-this is because they have a keen inclination for negative energy only, simply speaking they are negative energy pullers. Negativity is the polarity of a negative mind- their job digging the darker side of life-they simply fail to see the brighter portion of life. These types of people are also known as pessimists. For getting rid of negative energy, your first job is to find the good part of any event and focus on only the positive side of life.

Positive Mental Attitude


Step 2

Make a habit of taking action now instead of tomorrow. Your mind always tries to trick you for comfort, always lurking you to stay in your comfort zone of life. The mind does so by giving you the impression that you have enough time and by alerting you about the negative consequence of a change. It is you who will be responsible for taking action, not your mind. You are not your mind. So, whatever plan you have today started it now!

Step 3

Expressing gratitude draws positive energy and drive away negative thought that’s why gratitude is so important in the way of changing your attitude. Try to find happiness in the small things in your life. Instead of having a complaint attitude, convert yourself as a man of gratitude.

Step 4

Develop positive self-esteem. If you do not respect and love yourself then no one on this planet going to admire you. Self-esteem is feeling better inside you-it’s a feel-good factor for what you are capable of and for what you already have. Once you have strong self-esteem and self-respect for yourself, you will find how your performance graph goes up. One of the easiest ways to build self-esteem is to help others with selfless intention.

Step 5

Always avoid negative influences and people. Why criminals have more intimacy and contact with other criminals. Because similar kinds of people attract like incidents or people-they never attract, unlike people. Even a TV program, music or movie has the potential to instill negative thoughts in your mind. So, be picky in choosing your companions and in developing your habits.

Step 6

Start your day with positive vibes. You might think of starting your day reading a few positive quotes or listening to inspirational music. Positive beginning of a day lets you feel positive the rest of the time of a day.

Finally, in the process of changing your attitude, you must always keep yourself reminding that you already have a positive attitude and start thinking about it NOW!

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