How to Track your New Year’s Resolution

How to Track your New Year’s Resolution Using Templates


Like any other goal in your life, tracking your new year’s resolution is a surefire way to success. To help you on your way, we’ll go over creating a goal tracking chart and then link to some online tools that can also help you track your progress.

Creating a Goal Tracking Chart

New Year's Resolutions To Do With The Kids docs

The best and easiest way to track your progress on your New Year’s resolution is to create a weekly goal tracking chart, very much similar to Ben Franklin’s virtues. Creating one is simple:

Write your resolution in large type across the top of the page. This lets you see exactly what you set out to accomplish this year.

Along the top of the chart, make columns for each day Monday – Sunday with corresponding dates.

Along the side, break down your resolution into daily (or weekly) tasks to accomplish. For example, if your goal is to lose weight some daily goals could be:


Drink at least 8 glasses of water
Walk 30 minutes
Take the stairs at work
Pack my lunch
Eat no sweets!


Each day, mark off with an X or a sticker when you accomplish a goal. Some days you may not hit everything, but the chart will let you see what you are struggling with on a daily basis and what you’re doing great at.

Tools to track your progress online

There are a lot of online tools to help you track your progress and other resources that will help you with your new year’s resolutions.


Sample Templates:

New Year's Resolution Template  Printable Skills Sheets, Graphic Organizers