How to jumpstart your New Year’s resolution

How to jumpstart your New Year’s resolution


Now that we’ve helped you choose a New Year’s resolution, you’re ready to get started. Yes, it may be a few more days until the New Year but that doesn’t mean that you can’t start getting ready for the changes you’re about to make.

There are a few keys to getting off on the right foot when it comes to your resolution:


Prepare wisely
Follow your rituals
Start off with a bang
Preparing for your New Year’s resolution

It’s important to prepare for your new year’s resolution far before January 1 hits. For most people, this means simply choosing a resolution, but not you! You’ve already selected a great New Year’s resolution… now is time to get ready for success.

How do you prepare for your New Year’s resolution? It’s easy.

Write out everything you’ll need to succeed.

If you’re aiming to lose weight, you may need a gym membership, a walking buddy, some new cooking supplies, or workout clothes. Making a list of the things you need will help you see how attainable your goal is with the right supplies and attitude.

Use the holiday season to help with your resolution.
Holidays can sometimes be seen as the last hurrah before the sobering renewal of the new year. People overeat, overindulge, and overspend thinking “In January, I’ll be better!” Instead of going to excess, think about how the holiday season can help you with your resolution.

Some things you can do:

Ask for gifts that will help you with your resolution, like language lessons on CD

Tell friends and family about your resolution and get their feedback and advice

Start training—wean yourself off treats or actions that you’re trying to leave behind in the new year.

Spend time with the people who are important to you and be thankful you have such a great support system to help you succeed.

Reflect on the “Why”

If you followed our guide to choosing a New Year’s resolution, you articulated exactly why you wanted to accomplish your goal. Spend a few days before the New Year thinking about this reason and what positive things change will bring into your life. This will help you get motivated and bring positive thinking into your life.

Follow Your Rituals

Most of every holiday and major event have rituals associated with them. Some of them are cultural—like trick-or-treating on Halloween, and some are more personal.

Many people have their own “New Year’s Ritual,” which helps them turn a new leaf. Maybe this is getting rid of old things that will burden you in your new life. Sometimes it’s having that one last cigarette/drink/dessert.

Whatever your personal ritual is—do it! It’s a great way to mark the occasion and the changes you’re ready to make in your life.

Start Off With a Bang

When the clock strikes midnight—okay, maybe when the clock strikes noon—on January 1, it’s time to make a change. Wake up, read over your resolution, and hit the ground running.

Want to save some money? Put $10 in your savings account on January 1.
Want to lose weight? Have a healthy breakfast and go for a walk around the block.

Want to stop smoking? Toss that puck NOW (even if there are a few cigs left.)

Want to find love? Say hi to the first attractive stranger you meet in the New Year.

Being excited and starting your new Year’s resolution in a big way will help you remain motivated and lets you begin your resolution on a high note.

How to keep your resolution

If you’ve followed the steps in this article, you’re in a prime position to jumpstart your new year’s resolution. You’ve prepared for the big day, followed your own serious or silly rituals, and are ready to start the new year off with a bang.

So far, so good. Coming up next—How to track your New Year’s resolution progress…


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