Checklist for Your Invitations

Checklist for Your Invitations


Whether you’re sending an invitation to an exhibit opening, an open studio, or a holiday party, be sure you’re answering all of the questions the recipients might have.

Below is a checklist you can use as a starting point. Not everything will apply to your situation.



Who are you? Full name, please.
Who is the host?
Who are the participating artists?
Who will be there?
Who does it benefit, if it’s a charitable event?


What should we expect?
What will we see?
What will we do?
What do we bring?
What number do we call or text if we have trouble finding the event?


Where is the darned thing? It’s imperative to list the city and state!
Where can we park?
Where can I go to get more information or to see your art in advance?


When do we arrive? Date + time.
When is it over?
When does it open?
When does it close? Please put closing dates on your exhibit invitations!


Why should I come?
Why are you doing this?


How do we get there? Are there special directions that will facilitate our attendance?

What did I forget? I
I’m sure you receive as many invitations as I do. What mistakes do you see artists making with their invitations?
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