Basic Steps To Improve Search Engine Rankings – Part 1

Basic Steps To Improve Search Engine Rankings – Part 1



Everyone wants to improve search engine rankings for their website, but how do you go about it without spending a fortune employing an SEO specialist?

Here’s the basic steps that you can carry out right now, to improve search engine rankings for your website, without spending anything, apart from your time.

So, how do search engines work and how do they rank websites?

Well, the short answer is, search engines don’t rank websites, they rank pages within the site. So each of your pages, gives you a unique opportunity to improve search engine rankings for your site as a whole.

All you have to do, is to make each page as prominent to the search engines as possible by following these simple steps.

1.  Research Your Keywords


Keywords are the link that the search engines use, to match your site with people who are searching the web. They are looking at the search request and trying to find the best fit results for that search.

So, it stands to reason that the more closely your keywords fit with search term, the better your page will be ranked.

Researching and using keywords is fundamental to a site’s success because, no matter how sound the content you’re producing, or the products you’re marketing, if you’re not employing the keywords that people are searching for in your posts and on your site, then you won’t be getting a good search engine response.

What you need to be doing here, rather than just writing an article or post about your subject, is putting yourself in your prospective visitor’s position. What are they looking for, what problem are they wanting to solve with your product or service, what words or phrases are they likely to be typing into the search engine, to find what they need?

Thinking in these terms, will begin to uncover the keywords and key phrases, that are relevant to your product or market. When you have them, you just build them into your content for each page you produce.

And, the more you do this, the more you will improve search engine rankings for your site.

2.  How To Place The Keywords

For keywords to be most effective, you need to have a structured approach to using them and make sure that you place them in the most important locations on your pages.

So, in my next post, I’ll be looking in detail at these locations, together with more simple ways you can improve search engine rankings.

Meantime, to learn more about setting up and improving your website, make sure you receive your free copy of my comprehensive, 95-page reportOnline Marketing Made Easy”, by entering your name and email address in the form at the top of the page.

I’ll get your copy to you straight away and I’ll also send you my regular news reviews and internet marketing tips, to keep you right up to date with the online marketing world.

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